



Recent social media engagements involving prominent figures within the Baltistan Division have shed light on concerns surrounding the region's stability. The exchange between Gilgit Baltistan Assembly Member Raja Zakaria and activist Ali on various factors impacting the area has highlighted a divergent narrative, contributing to a sense of unease and dissent within the community.

The discourse initiated when journalist Wajahat Ali shared a video featuring Raja Zakaria expressing apprehensions about the worsening situation in Gilgit Baltistan, particularly citing events following a US officer's visit in 1988 and the recent visit by the American ambassador. Zakaria's remarks suggested a direct correlation between these visits and escalating tensions in the region.

In response, activist Ali took to social media to challenge Zakaria's perspective. With a focus on the prevailing sentiments of the local populace, Ali suggested that attributing blame solely to external influences, like American visits, might not capture the complete truth. Ali emphasized the significance of discussions around the Skardu-Kargil road opening, implying its potential impact on ensuring a secure passage, thereby hinting at internal factors contributing to the region's volatility.

This public exchange between influential figures underlines a divergence of opinions within Baltistan Division. Zakaria's emphasis on external influences conflicting with Ali's highlighting of internal dynamics hints at the complex nature of the region's current state.

The mention of the Skardu-Kargil road and its perceived importance for safe passage reveals underlying tensions and strategic considerations that extend beyond external diplomatic engagements. This discourse indicates deeper-rooted issues of regional connectivity and security, pointing towards the need for a comprehensive evaluation of the situation in Baltistan Division.

However, the conflicting views expressed on social media concerning the primary factors affecting the region signify a palpable sense of unease and dissent among the populace. The lack of consensus among public figures regarding the critical factors contributing to the situation further emphasizes the complexity of Baltistan Division's dynamics.



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