


The Battle Between Doctors and Scholar Agha Ali Rizvi in Skardu: A Call for Humanity

Skardu, a serene town nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Gilgit-Baltistan, has recently become the center of a tumultuous conflict between doctors and the President of the MWM Gilgit-Baltistan, Agha Ali Rizvi. What began as an outcry against alleged medical negligence quickly escalated into a full-blown strike, leaving the lives of thousands of patients hanging in the balance.

The genesis of this crisis can be traced back to an incident involving Agha Ali Rizvi and a doctor at the RHQ Hospital. Tempers flared as miscommunication and frustration over waiting times created an intense exchange between the two parties. Regrettably, the clash spilled onto the streets, with Agha Ali being removed from the hospital premises, prompting doctors to stage a protest by closing the Outpatient Department (OPD).

However, it is essential to separate fact from fiction, especially when lives are at stake. Rumors started circulating on social media, claiming that a patient and her newborn had tragically lost their lives due to the doctors' strike. The hospital administration and medical staff vehemently deny these allegations, emphasizing that emergency services, surgeries, and essential tests continue uninterrupted. They affirm that the incident in question involved a patient who opted for delivery outside the hospital and arrived in a critical condition, suffering from a uterine rupture. Despite their best efforts, the patient's life could not be saved.

In the midst of this battle between doctors and Agha, it is crucial to focus on the larger issue at hand—the well-being of the patients. The prolonged strike has left individuals suffering from pain, diseases, injuries, and wounds in dire straits. Families and attendants have taken to the streets, blocking roads, and demanding an immediate resolution to the conflict. Their plea is clear: prioritizing the lives and health of the people over personal disputes and grievances.

The district administration and intelligence agencies must intervene to understand the underlying causes of this conflict fully. While the ten-minute and thirty-minute battle between Agha Ali and the doctor may have sparked the initial unrest, it is evident that a deeper issue plagues the healthcare system in Skardu. Inadequate facilities, delays in treatment, and a lack of effective communication have driven the doctors and patients to the brink. It is imperative that a comprehensive investigation takes place to address these systemic issues and prevent future tragedies.

However, resorting to extreme measures, such as closing the OPD and blocking roads, is not a justifiable solution. Such actions only exacerbate the suffering of the patients, who are innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. Instead, dialogue and negotiation must prevail. The ongoing negotiations between the delegation from the Imamia Association, the People's Party, and the concerned parties offer hope for a resolution. All stakeholders must engage in constructive dialogue to reach a mutually agreeable settlement and restore medical services to those in need.

Above all, the guiding principle in this battle must be humanity. The value of every human life should supersede personal ego or organizational interests. Each person who suffers due to the lack of healthcare facilities represents a failure on the part of the entire society. Skardu, renowned for its natural beauty and warm-hearted people, cannot afford to let this conflict erode the very essence of its compassionate spirit.

The authorities, medical professionals, community leaders, and the public at large must come together to find a solution that ensures quality healthcare for all. This requires a concerted effort to address the root causes, allocate adequate resources, and establish effective channels of communication between patients and doctors. Only then can Skardu reclaim its reputation as a place of healing and compassion, where lives are cherished, and the well-being of its people is paramount.

In the pursuit of justice and better healthcare, let us remember the saying, "Saving one person's life is equivalent to saving the entire humanity." Skardu has the opportunity to embody this principle and set an example for the world. The time for action is now—before more flowers are deprived of opening their eyes, young couples are torn apart, and fathers are separated from their daughters. Let us commit ourselves to a future where the battle between doctors and patients is replaced with cooperation, empathy, and the preservation of precious human lives.

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