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Resolving the Water Crisis in Skardu: A Collective Effort Led by Agha Baqir Al-Husaini


Skardu, a picturesque city in Baltistan, has been grappling with a severe water crisis for quite some time. The dire situation has spurred Agha Baqir Al-Husaini, President of the Skardu Imamiyyah Association, to take charge and rally the community towards finding a solution. His initiatives have garnered widespread support from various sectors, including youth organizations, religious leaders, and community members. With their collective effort, they aim to divert water towards the Satpara Dam and ensure the survival and prosperity of Skardu's residents.

Agha Baqir Al-Husaini's leadership has been instrumental in mobilizing the community and raising awareness about the water crisis. During an urgent conference held on June 13, 2023, the Imamia Association of Baltistan expressed gratitude for the support received from within and outside the Baltistan. The increasing support from the people of Baltistan has strengthened their belief in successfully resolving the crisis.

On June 18, a crucial meeting will take place at the Central Mosque in Skardu, where scholars, community leaders, and experts will gather. This gathering aims to collect data, conduct surveys, and announce the date for the journey to Deosai. Inspired by the knowledge of Hazrat Abbas, the attendees will leave for Deosai, vowing not to return until the water flows below the Satpara Top. A committee will also be formed to oversee the implementation of these plans in an organized manner.

The Youth Action Committee has pledged its unwavering support to Agha Baqir Al-Husaini's campaign. Recognizing that water is life, the youth leaders are prepared to make sacrifices to alleviate the crisis faced by the people of Skardu. They condemn the negligence of governments and flawed policies that have led to the current state of fear and scarcity. By aligning themselves with the movement, they express their determination to tackle the water crisis head-on.

The movement led by Agha Baqir Al-Husaini has gained significant backing from various individuals and organizations. The Kharmang Union Council, through a delegation of scholars, religious leaders, and youth, expressed their gratitude for the revolutionary initiatives. They assured their complete cooperation in any possible way to address the water and electricity crisis in Skardu.


Additionally, Agha Ali Rizvi, President of the Majlis Wahdat-ul-Muslimeen Gilgit-Baltistan, has pledged his organization's support to the cause. They are ready to provide complete assistance and cooperation in resolving the Shontung Nala issue. Former Minister GB, Iqbal Hassan, has also announced his support and intends to meet with Agha Baqir Al-Husaini to extend his assistance.

Even beyond the borders of Baltistan, Agha Baqir Al-Husaini's initiatives have resonated with communities. In Bristol, under the auspices of the Social Welfare and Development Society Bristol, a conference was held to express support for the President of the Imamiyah Association. Religious scholars and community leaders united to pledge their wholehearted support to the cause, emphasizing the criticality of water and life.

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